Pritzker Orthopaedic Surgery Interest Group

Resources for Shadowing

Shadowing in Clinic:

  • Please sign-up on the monthly calendar sent via email to the OSIG list-serv at the beginning of the month.
  • Dress Code: Professional attire/white coat, bring stethoscope

Shadowing in OR:

  • Please reach out to faculty directly via email (It is highly encouraged that you shadow this faculty member in clinic first)
  • Please look at below video for how to scrub-in (Will email OSIG list-serv when have update on scrub class!)
  • Dress Code: Scrubs


Tips from faculty for building mentor relationships and getting the most out of shadowing:

  • Re-check in after mentor meetings
  • Ask about mentor styles so can see if a particular mentor relationship is a good fit
  • Come to clinic having read up on relevant concepts (i.e. if going to shadow Dr. Conti Mica in hand clinic, would be beneficial to read up on the top 5 hand neuropathies and review some relevant anatomy)
  • More generally, focus on anatomy and physical relations! (i.e. If have a rotator cuff problem – what are the rotator cuff muscles? What are the exams? If don’t know, can you make an educated guess based off of the anatomy?
  • Read up on general processes: How do bones heal? Why do we fix or not fix a break? Medical principles or issues that can make bone heal fast or slow?
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